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Enhancing the Quality of Vocational Education through Graduate Tracking

As part of the national project Introduction of Quality Management System in Vocational Education and Training, we are actively engaged in collecting feedback from graduates. This helps us better understand their career paths and the relevance of their acquired skills. The process combines data collection from a national survey and support for developing their own school questionnaires.

A Three-pillar Graduate Tracking System in Slovakia:

  1. Administrative data from state information systems, which provide objective information about graduates and their career trajectories.
  2. The national surveys, used to gather data from graduates regarding their acquired skills and study experiences.
  3. School questionnaires, which schools use to obtain direct feedback from their graduates and to support effective data collection at the school level.

National Report on Graduate Tracking

The National Report on the Pilot Tracking of Vocational Secondary School Graduates in Slovakia is the outcome of a newly introduced feedback-based initiative, published in January 2025.
The pilot survey among graduates reveals their subjective assessment of acquired skills and their study experiences. This research provides valuable insights into how graduates apply their education in practice and their future plans. The national report offers the first in-depth analysis of graduates‘ experiences and presents recommendations for improving the quality of vocational education. The full report in English is available here:

The analysis of the data collected will lead to informed policy-making at the system level, improved VET provision and better preparation of students for the labour market.

Supporting Schools in Establishing a Feedback Loop

We aim to encourage schools to actively gather feedback from graduates through school questionnaires and assist them in implementing effective procedures. We organize webinars to introduce schools to the use of Jotform for creating questionnaires, processing data in Excel, generating graphs, and evaluating databases.

We also seek to foster a feedback culture through alumni clubs and by strengthening relationships with graduates. Alumni clubs provide a platform for maintaining contact with the school, developing professional networks, and engaging graduates in school activities. They strengthen connections between former and current students and create a community that can contribute to improving the educational process.

In addition to webinars, we offer individual consultations and regular online office hours for schools with specific questions. To ensure maximum accessibility, all webinars are recorded and made available online, along with presentations.

Handbook for Schools

Based on practical experience and feedback from schools and partners, we are preparing a methodological handbook that will provide practical recommendations for effective data collection from graduates. This handbook will serve as a useful tool for schools aiming to systematically work with graduate data.

Our activities are also open to students, whom we actively engage in discussions and motivate to participate in these initiatives through the promotion of our activities on social media. We believe that systematic graduate tracking and the development of a feedback culture will help improve vocational education and its connection to the labor market.


Communication campaign

Communication campaign