We would like to invite you to the conference "Quality Assurance as a Part of School Life", which will take place on 30 April 2024 at the Cultural Centre "Malý Berlín" in Trnava from 1 pm to 5 pm.
You still have one week to register for the conference, where the winners of the National Quality Award in VET 2024 will be announced for the third time. The conference is the final event of the Quality Month, which is held under the auspices of the Ministry of Education, Research, Development and Youth of the Slovak Republic.
Before we find out this year’s winners of the National Quality Award in VET, speakers from The Netherlands, Croatia and Slovakia will present present different topics related to quality assurance at different levels:
Daisy Termorshuizen from a educational consultancy and research foundation will present what is a leadership in vocational education and how to strengthen student involvement in quality assurance in the Netherlands.
Tamara Hudolin from the Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education, together with a representative from the Secondary School of Dubrovnik, will present the Graduate Tracking project and what are the results and advantages.
Jana Feherpataky-Kuzmova from the Institute for Active Citizenship will introduce us to cooperation with schools, especially through improving civic education and learning for children and adults and systemic improvements at local, national and European level.
After the official program, we will have refreshments and networking over a glass of wine.
The event will be interpreted from English into Slovak. We are looking forward to seeing you.
More about our speakers:

Daisy Termorshuizen is the project coordinator of the Dutch NRP EQAVET. Besides project coordination, she specifically focuses on student involvement in quality assurance. Besides working for the NRP, Daisy works for CINOP – a Dutch advice- and research organization focused on VET. She works as a consultant in Team Education & Innovation. With a background in international development studies and (work)experience in sustainability issues, Daisy works on projects around integrating sustainability in education and 21st century skills.
Tamara Hudolin is currently Head of a Section for International Cooperation in Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education (AVETAE), a national institution for planning, development, organization, implementation, study and improvement of VET and adult education system. Her fields of expertise and professional experience are vocational education and training policy, development of occupational standards, VET qualifications and curricula, European tools and instruments for VET. In the last ten years she is a member of various expert groups in VET, and an active collaborator with other vocational associations and stakeholders in Croatian educational system.
Jana Feherpataky-Kuzmová is co-founder and executive director of Institute for Active Citizenship and leads the organisation towards building an advanced, functional and sustainable civil society, where every single citizen is an active, critical and irreplaceable part of it. She is the author of the concept of Schools that Change the World and the founder of the programme for which she was awarded the European Citizen Prize by the European Parliament in 2023. She is a long-standing expert in civic education and training, a methodologist, a trainer in experiential education for children and adults, a facilitator and mentor who seeks to support educators in introducing non-formal and interactive methods into teaching.
Juraj Vantuch is an education policy analyst who produces annual monitoring reports on the state of education in Slovakia for the European Commission. He is co-author of the document “Učiace sa Slovensko”. He is also the national coordinator of the ReferNet network. ReferNet Slovakia produces VET monitoring reports and reports on specific topics related to VET in Slovakia for Cedefop. He has been the head of the Slovak National Observatory of VET since its establishment in 1997 as part of State Vocational Education Institute.